Date: May 31, 2022

Time: 5:30 - 7:30pm ET

Location: Charlotte, NC


Climate change is a serious and growing threat to the U.S. economy, and North Carolina is no exception. Climate-related disasters inflicted nearly $150 billion in damage to the national economy last year, including up to $1 billion in damage in North Carolina alone. And those figures are just one piece of the puzzle, with rising insurance rates, increasing food costs from flooding and drought, and much more costing North Carolina’s businesses and households.


The good news is that we don’t need to resign ourselves to these rising costs. With the right actions from Congress and North Carolina’s leadership, we can blunt the cost of climate change while simultaneously creating jobs, driving additional economic growth, and attracting new private capital.


Please join fellow business leaders, local officials, E2, and partners for this in-person event to learn more and help move us towards a cleaner, more resilient, and more prosperous North Carolina. We’ll also be marking the local release of the new book “Climatenomics: Washington, Wall Street and the Economic Battle to Save Our Planet“, by E2 Executive Director Bob Keefe.

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